The 47th Catalina Classic will go down in history. The world’s best paddlers gathered on Catalina Island off California with 32 iconic miles between them & the finish line at the Manhattan Beach Pier.
Among them, FLORENCE Test Pilot Jack Bark was a favorite to win. The son of board builder Joe Bark, former World Champion paddler & South Bay native, Jack had been at nearly every finish line of the Classic growing up – but he’d never got his name on the trophy.
That changed this year, and he became the fastest to ever cross the Channel in the process at 4:54:45.
We asked Test Pilots Jack Bark (1st, Unlimited), Lachie Lansdown (1st, Stock), Toa Pere (2nd, Stock) and Emily Bark (1st, Women’s) to recount their stories of the day.
“I have been at the beach at the finish line every year of my life. It’s been a dream of mine to win the Catalina Classic ever since I can remember all those years as a kid watching my dad come in.
I’ve been scared to put in a solid season for almost 6 years, not wanting to put in the time and work and under perform. The Last few years paddling off the couch hurt.
This year I decided to finally put myself out there and train harder than ever, and do it right. High mileage, proper nutrition, fast paddling. I made a plan, looked at what had to be done to break the record and trained to race to win, and to be ready to try for the record if the conditions in the channel aligned on race day.
I decided to put in a hard hour off the start and just see where that put me within the pack. We had great conditions and I was able to get an early lead and decided there was no use in settling and letting guys catch, I now had to race from the front and hold it.
My goal was to have a good enough lead at the R-10 to comfortably cruise in and win, but once we got there we realized a record was attainable, but would have to get moving. I ended up paddling some of my fastest miles in that last 8 mile stretch.
All the Glory to God out there for keeping my arms moving well beyond what I could possibly do.
Thanks to my beautiful wife Katie for the support and sacrifices we made this last 6 months with my full focus on the race. Can’t thank my dad and mom enough for the support and dad for helping me get boards dialed in. To Davy for paddling 500+ miles with me this year, most of them in the dark. South Bay paddle club crew for all the training.
Bark boards, Florence, Vertra for the support, and top notch gear! Paddling this year has blown up and it’s been incredible seeing all the new guys and girls getting into it pushing the sport.
Thanks to the Catalina Classic for putting on a top notch race, and congrats to all finishers!”

Been a long time coming but yesterday I got to tick off the final goal I set for myself at 14.
- Molokai stock win
- Molokai stock under 5 hours
- Catalina stock win
- Double single
What a way to finish it off, with a near perfect Catalina year watching some solid records fall after 25 years! This was like no other classic I’ve done before seeing DW conditions from the R10 and then standing on the podium with my best friends and long time idols!
I swear these races never go completely to plan but you never remember the ones that go perfect. This year had its ups and down from my Molokai board not arriving in time and having to borrow Jack’s to watching my GPS light up like a Christmas tree and realize the record is possible when I had written it off.
The future of paddling is looking good with the support of Florence and the kids coming up.
Good luck to anyone who wants to race Toa and Jack in the coming years.
Beers and adventure paddles from me for now on.”

"This summer was my 4th Catalina Classic and I trained way more than the previous years- last year I got third so I was hoping for second. But I also just wanted to leave everything I had out there, regardless of how I placed. The race started fast, and then I followed Liz for 8 miles in from the R-10- she was about 200 yards in front of me. My arms were on fire but I was able to catch bumps along the way- which picked up my speed and also made me way more stoked. When we got closer to the pier, I realized I was getting closer to Liz and owed it to myself to give this finish everything I had in me.
The last 50 yards of the race were a blur-my boat was going crazy and somehow I managed to catch Liz right at the end. I got to hug Liz in the water and see Finley come in behind us. I was so grateful to get to race such talented and amazing women like them. It was such an overwhelming moment.
God definitely got me across the channel yesterday- your mind can go kind of dark out there and there were moments where I just wanted to stop but He got me through it. I am so grateful for my parents- finishing the race with my dad on the escort boat was beyond words. He shaped me an amazing board and cheered me on this race and the whole season. My mom has been at more finish lines than probably anyone, always supporting my dad and us kids. The whole Bark fam: the cousins, aunts, uncles, friends who all were on the beach and in the water. Also getting to the beach and hearing that Jack had smashed the record, and seeing my brother Sam and friends finish their first Classic just made the day even better. I am so grateful to be part of this amazing community."
Davy Thomas 3rd place Stock, Toa Pere 2nd place Stock, Lachie Lansdown Stock Champion. Photo: Tony Wodarck
"After last years grueling conditions I was nervous about what I was going to face this year. Standing on the beach in the dark you could see the conditions were glassy and I was very excited to get in the channel. Looking to better my time from last year was my goal. Seeing Lachie ahead and battling with Dave Thomas for a top three finish helped keep my mind sharp as the hours passed. We rounded the R10 and conditions turned downwind. I found myself in conditions that reminded me of home. I was stoked to surf my way to the pier and get that Second place spot!
I’m super grateful and thankful for all the people that have supported me on this race. Being the youngest in the field I hope to inspire more paddlers. I will be back next year!"

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