The Kaiwi Channel solo, these races across the channel mark history. This year was one we will never forget. The day of the race, anticipation was high because the winds were extreme! But no one could really expect what was to come, we had a pre-race pule (a blessing). We started right on time, and after that the winds picked me up so fast. I looked at my watch, it was mile 7 already, and I was in big water.

Ocean swells over 20 feet high, then the strong winds would blow so hard that they would break. My escort had found me around four miles back, so it helped to know I had them watching me. I paddled for a huge swell, got into it and started to ride it until I couldn’t anymore. Then I feel a big one behind me. I start to paddle as hard as I could to get into it. I thought I was in the swell because I was riding it, but then I heard the ocean crash behind me. Almost instantly I was enveloped in white wash. My canoe was pushed to the right of the swell, then me and the hull of my canoe were suddenly thrust into the air! The term is called “going ama under” – the canoe flips over and rides the swell. I am in the water with my paddle in my hand swimming for my canoe, that is drifting away. I am praying in my mind another swell won’t push my boat away. I swim up to it, reach for the ama and miss it. I swim more hook my paddle on the ama and grab the canoe. I flip it over and get going again, but I kept watch in case another bomb was going to come through.
I pushed through the middle of the channel, it got more manageable for me when I got closer to Oahu. When I had time to rest on bumps I could take in the beauty of the channel. Dolphins came by once to say hello. As we got closer to the finish I started to fire up and push, trying everything to start catching up to the guys in front of me. I was picking up more and more speed, then I got to china walls and was lucky enough to get on a wave!

The last mile coming in, I was watching the timer on my watch and pushing to make it under four hours. I saw the finish and pushed for one last sprint, and made it. I was relieved, but wasn’t out of the woods yet. I was looking around to see who had finished before me. Then 5 minutes after I finished I saw my main competitor finish. I had done it, I succeeded my goals and had placed in my age division! It was an amazing experience and race.
I am super grateful to everyone that has supported me through this journey. Extremely thankful for all of Florence Marine X’s support to get me here. Their equipment in the channel thrived in some of the biggest conditions.
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